Activity overview
Latest activity by Adam-Suzor-
Adam Suzor created an article, Finding my PCS tag #
Where can I find the Asset Tag # (also called PCS Tag #)? You can find the Asset Tag # by looking for the black and silver “Property of Paul Cuffee School” label on your device It’s usually on the...
Adam Suzor created an article, Viewing Tickets All Tickets
Click "Sign In" on the top right hand-corner Click login with Google or Microsoft, whichever your organization uses After logging in, click on your name on the top right-hand corner Then click "My...
Adam Suzor created an article, My microphone isn't working.
Are you having trouble with people hearing you in a Google Meet? This article will guide you through some basic troubleshooting to help with microphone and audio issues in Google Meet. Known issu...
Adam Suzor created an article, PowerSchool For Parents - RCM/OES/PCS
In this article: How do I access PowerSchool? How do I get my/reset my username or password for PowerSchool? 1. How do I access PowerSchool as a parent/guardian? Via the website: https://rcmahar....
Adam Suzor created an article, Record Audio on Chromebooks/Laptops
This article will go over how to record audio clips on your school Chromebook or laptop. Option 1 - Online Voice Recorder This web-based voice recorder app from...
Adam Suzor created an article, Mahar Hybrid Tech FAQ
I heard other schools are having internet issues, will we? Not likely, and here is why: The school has an internet capacity of 1,000Mbps During a "normal" school day, the school used anywhere from...
Adam Suzor created an article, RCM/OES Chromebook Pickup FAQ
We will be updating this FAQ page as questions come in so please check back! What if I cannot make it this Friday? We will be announcing other opportunities for families to pick up devices, so stay...
Adam Suzor created an article, -
Adam Suzor created an article, -
Adam Suzor created an article,