Chromebook Loan Agreement Form

[YOUR SCHOOL NAME] has initiated a program to loan a Chromebook to actively enrolled students to take home to facilitate online learning.

Participation in this program is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • The students must be actively enrolled in the district.
  • The Chromebook and related peripherals are on loan and remain the property of the school.
  • Parent/guardian understand they are responsible for web filtering/content filtering when the device is used off the school network (at home, public hotspot, etc.)
  • The student(s) shall be the exclusive user of this device and shall not grant access to any other individual. All-access is logged and accessible to the school.
  • Chromebooks and peripherals must be returned to school at the end of this program, or at the time of transfer or withdrawal from the district.
  • Chromebooks and peripherals will be returned in good condition with reasonable wear and tear.
  • The care and maintenance of the Chromebook and related peripherals are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian while in their care. There will be a fee assessed if the Chromebook and/or peripherals are broken, lost, or damaged. Typical repair costs can range from $75 to $200 and a full replacement is $300.
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