Our team created this guide to empower organizations to quickly equip their staff with the equipment needed to Work From Home (WFH) efficiently and effectively.
Laptop Suggestions
- Great build quality with industry-leading performance and battery life
- If you have an iPhone, we strongly suggest getting a Mac
- We strongly suggest you get the M1 processor with 8GB of RAM
- You can use software such as Parallels if you require Windows apps
- Great build quality with high-end performance and battery life
- We suggest staying with the i5 processor, the i7 can create a lot of heat
- If you are buying for work, make sure you purchase the business edition
- Great build quality with high-end performance and battery life
- We suggest staying with the i5 processor, the i7 can create a lot of heat
- Our team has seen these fail at a high rate when compared to other business devices
- If you are buying for work, make sure you purchase the business edition
- Rugged build quality with high-end performance and battery life
- Great laptop for large enterprise deployments or someone looking for a device to last 5+ years
- We suggest getting an SSD instead of an HDD (for storage) with 16GB of RAM and i5 processor or higher
- Stay with the latest generation, you can tell which is the latest by looking at the last (2) digits of the model #
Monitors With Docks
- 24-inch monitor with a USB-C dock built-in
- Highly dependable with a display built for long workdays
- 34-inch curved monitor with USB-C dock built-in
- Highly dependable with accurate colors
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