K-12 Education: Technology Vision

This technology vision is to provide a clear understanding of technology's role in the Education system as a whole, as well as identify the focus of technology integration in key stages of a student's K-12 education.


Key Stage K - 2nd 6th - 7th 11th - 12th 
Focus Area Voice + Touch Collaboration Skills Real Life Application


Pre-K - 2nd Grade

Our children enrolling in kindergarten today will not be entering the workforce until 2030 or later if they choose to pursue post-secondary education. We then must prepare them for a world and the demands of a workforce that we do not yet know of. This is a vital time to expose students to innovative technology that will change the way they live. This is why in Pre-K - 2nd grade, our students will learn how to interact with the world through voice and touch. 

Virtual Assistants such as Google Assistant (integrated in Google Home devices) and Amazon Alexa (integrated in Amazon Echo devices) are changing the way we work and live. At home, young children may already know how to play music and check the weather. In the classroom, students are able to receive immediate answers to their questions, get translations, spelling, or pronunciation of a word, or listen to stories read aloud. 


6th - 7th Grade

6th and 7th grade is a key switching point for our students. Students in these grades will be focused on how to utilize technology to define how they learn. In these years, they will be pushed to take a more active role in their education, become independent learners, and collaborate with others. All these are made possible with technology. 

Currently tools such as those included in G Suite for Education are leading in collaborative features. Students can easily get involved in Team-Based Learning by working with their classmates and helping each other when they get stuck on problems, all while deepening their own understanding. 


11th - 12th Grade

In 11th and 12th grade, we are preparing our students for their life after graduation. Here they will focus on how the technology skills they gained from their K-12 education transfer to useful tools they will use in their careers or post-secondary educational experiences. 

Programs like our Student Help Desk (co-op program) allow students to gain real-world experience while they are still in high school. They explore career paths that they'd like to pursue as well as refine their tech skills. 

Online programs such as Google's Applied Digital Skills Courses also help students connect the skills they've gained through working with G Suite tools during their K-12 education to skills they can take with them to enter the workforce. They offer courses such as Plan an Event, Plan and Budget, Use Google to Get a New Job, Manage a Project, Build Your Online Business, and Negotiate Your Salary.


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